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An April of Adventure

Friends, Family, it has been a hot second since I have sat down and tried to write an update on my travels through Middle Earth. And I still am sort of avoiding that as you will see shortly below…(wink) I … Read More

Unplan Your Life

If you have ever traveled with me you know that I love planning trips. The process of researching, planning, and then implementing travel plans allows me to maximize the amount of time I am spending actually doing things vs. standing … Read More

Prioritizing my GPA

And by GPA I mean “Going Places Abroad.” Oh man it has been an eventful ~3 weeks. I don’t think I could accurately communicate everything I have experienced, nor would you want to sit and read through the book that … Read More

Kia Ora

After months of planning and one of the longest days I have ever had, I am finally settled in Auckland, New Zealand! My journey started Tuesday at 4:30am — thanks to Hailey’s willingness to wake up and drive me to LAX … Read More