After running through my mental checklists and putting my REI dividends to good use, I am officially geared up for some high adventure. When it comes to picking and choosing what gear I will take on a trip it is quite the challenge. I have to find the right balance of camping, climbing, and photography equipment without breaking weight. Unfortunately you might find me on the next episode of hoarders. The thought “I might need this very specific thing that I have never actually used so I guess I should pack it” often enters my mind. In a game of counting ounces this logic simply doesn’t fit.
While standing in REI trying to pick out a new multi-tool from the shelf, I got into a lengthy discussion with a veteran ultralighter. After a 30 minute back-and-forth he helped me decide that no, I do not need a corkscrew-fish hook-barometer-sat TV for my next excursion. Instead he suggested that next time I go out on a trip I itemize the use of my gear. This entails listing out each piece of equipment as I pack it, and then recording the number of times it was used after I return. As soon as I got home I whipped out my favorite video game, excel, and got to work.
PS. I hate to ruin the magic, but that self-portrait took about 2 hours and a strained neck to create. Who knew taking pictures of yourself could be so hard!